So, I know we've touched on the subject of dreams before, and on the fact that I tend to have a lot of them. Now before any of you innocent passersby from Google get confused, I'm not talking about your sugary "I want to be a princess!" type dreams. I'm talking about the kind your brain vomits up in the night to entertain and torment you. Now, I've long meant to start keeping a dream journal, and at the tag end of February I finally managed to get one started. I'm still keeping up with it too, although the new meds I'm one to help me sleep better have cut down on the quantity and vibrancy. That's really a blessing, though, and you'll see what I mean in a minute.
Let's just put it this way--every night is an adventure. Some more than others.
So let's start with just some raw stats. I do want to clarify a couple of things. Firstly, the only dreams that are counted are dreams I remember. If I woke up and remember that I had a bad dream, it doesn't count unless I remember something about it. Secondly, nightmares are defined as any dream where I woke a) whimpering b) crying c) afraid to get out of bed d) afraid to go back to sleep or e) any combination of the above. It can have nightmarish content, but if none of that occurred with it, it doesn't count.
These are the stats for the month of March:
Nightmares: 8
Bad dreams: 9
Dreams involving tornadoes: 4
Dreams involving Sherlock Holmes and or Watson: 2
Dreams involving bad/awkward architecture/design: 3
Nightmares involving bugs/spiders: 4
Most remembered dreams in one night: 8
Best dream: Epic adventures as a werewolf
Worst dream: Watching my husband plummet to his death live on the six o'clock news
Total dreams: 53
That averages out to about 1.7 dreams a night, with two nightmares a week. I will say, it has been worse than usual, especially with the nightmares (those are actually part of the reason I went to the doctor about my sleep issues). Of course, the fun thing here is that those dreams aren't aren't evenly distributed. There were nights where I didn't remember any at all. Now, luckily, since starting my new meds, I've been sleeping better, and I'm doing well to remember one or two dreams a night. That's closer to normal, which, frankly, is still a lot. The meds have also gotten the nightmare frequency down, and the two I've had weren't as bad, although.
Either way, this is not completely atypical of a month's worth of dreams. I dream all night, every night. I don't always remember what I dreamed, but I do remember that I dreamed. I'm pretty sure it's not normal, but I have yet to find any relevant information on anything like dreaming too much. On the plus side, I do get some really awesome dreams, some of which provide inspiration for paintings or stories. Actually, I have a wonderful plot for an erotic novel/short story that I got from a dream. I'd tell you about it, but then I'd have to kill you. And I plan on doing a painting of the marsh bunnies dream--it will have a lovely mauve sky, bright green hilly marshes, and adorable bunnies leaping in and out of the marsh. I'd tell you about more recent dreams, but, to be honest, the normal ones weren't over interesting, and I don't want to invoke pity by going into the nightmares.
Anywho, I'm off to go eat my sugar cookies that I bought because I had a dream about making sugar cookies the other night.
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