
Ponies, Lesbians, and Hitting People With Sticks

So, I may have mentioned that I tend towards rather vivid and bizarre dreams in the night.  I dream all night, every night.  Sometimes it feels like I spent the entire night in REM.  Often, many of them fade and I'm left with little more than a vague feeling from them, be it happiness or just that uncomfortable feeling you have when you know you had bad dreams but can't remember their content.

And then there are the ones you don't forget.  Sometimes it's just a snippet, other times you get the whole sordid story, and half the time it's somewhere in between.  Like last night.

 First there was the dream with the My Little Ponies.  I don't really remember much, except for the pony named Maiden Form.  I expect her cutie mark looked rather a lot like this:

Only cuter.  And pink. 

I really wish I could remember the rest of the dream.  I mean, what were Maiden Form and Rainbow Dash up to?

One of the other dreams from last night involved lesbians.  I can't really say much more.  I try to keep things to a "R" around here.  I wouldn't mention it at all, except it sounded really good in the title and I figured it would get you perverted guys here (any readers are better than no readers).

My favorite dream from last night, however, involved a team building exercise at work (I'd like it noted that it was NOT my actual job, or actual coworkers).  We had split into two teams and were having a mock battle out back.  One team held the loading dock, the other the grounds.  Each team had a variety of barriers and buildings to protect.  I picked up one of the board barriers and used it to sneak up to the loading dock.  Then I broke a board off it and hid behind a wall.  Then, every time a member of the opposing team came around the corner, I smacked them in the face with my board, knocking them out.  This continued until I had single-handedly defeated the other team.
Once everyone was conscious and all wounds had been treated, we had a celebration.  I was hailed as the hero of the day for coming up with a winning strategy.  My comment?  "I didn't think it would actually work.  I can't believe you guys just kept coming around the corner."
Mostly the thing that got me was the fact that not only did I not get in trouble for hitting coworkers in the face with a board, I was actually rewarded for it.  Gotta love dream logic.

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